How Matterport Engaged New Markets with LeadSpot

“When we engage with LeadSpot and share our specific lead requirements, they consistently deliver a remarkable volume of high-quality leads. LeadSpot enables us to tap into previously untapped markets, expanding our reach in ways that were previously unimaginable.”

Number of Employees
501-1,000 Employees
Spatial Data Technology
Sunnyvale, California
Consistent delivery
only highly qualified leads
Successful account penetration
previously inaccessible markets
Streamlined campaign setup
saving valuable time

Matterport is a cutting-edge technology company that revolutionizes how businesses showcase spaces and properties through immersive 3D experiences. With a global presence, Matterport offers innovative solutions for creating and sharing virtual environments, enhancing various industries such as real estate, construction, and hospitality.

Tammi Larson serves as the Director, Account Based Marketing at Matterport, specializing in digital planning for B2B audiences, particularly focusing on industries like real estate and construction. With over a decade of experience in demand generation, Tammi is well-versed in driving business outcomes through strategic lead acquisition.

“When we engage with LeadSpot and share our specific lead requirements, they consistently deliver a remarkable volume of high-quality leads. LeadSpot enables us to tap into previously untapped markets, expanding our reach in ways that were previously unimaginable.”


Tammi was tasked with a challenging project on behalf of a client that required a targeted approach. The client’s criteria included sourcing top-of-funnel MQLs from specific regions, industries, job titles, and target accounts. Striking a balance between lead quality and quantity was proving difficult, given the strict requirements.

Vendor Selection

Matterport sought a lead generation partner capable of delivering a substantial volume of leads that met the precise criteria outlined by the client, all while ensuring scalability and consistency.


LeadSpot’s Content Syndication emerged as the optimal solution to address Matterport’s lead generation challenges. Tammi collaborated with her dedicated account manager to define the desired lead volume, criteria, and budget. Through an API integration with the client’s CRM, LeadSpot streamlined the lead delivery process, eliminating manual data manipulation.

Leveraging LeadSpot’s access to a vast repository of high-quality contacts, Matterport experienced a steady inflow of leads at a pace conducive to effective nurturing.

LeadSpot’s approach aligned seamlessly with Matterport’s objectives, providing both the required lead volume and quality.

LeadSpot’s partnership enabled Matterport to access previously untapped markets and regions, significantly expanding their market reach. The ease of collaboration and lead delivery reduced the burden on Tammi’s team, making her role more efficient.


Tammi and Matterport experienced substantial benefits from their collaboration with LeadSpot:

  • Consistent delivery of a high volume of top-quality MQLs
  • Successful penetration into previously inaccessible markets and regions
  • Streamlined campaign setup, saving valuable time
  • Proactive campaign performance updates and responsive support from LeadSpot

Matterport’s collaboration with LeadSpot not only fulfilled their lead generation needs but also fostered an effortless and productive partnership. The strategic alignment empowered Matterport to broaden its market influence and maintain a consistent pipeline of quality leads.

About LeadSpot

LeadSpot, a global B2B data company, partners with organizations to catalyze demand. By providing accurate data and predictive insights, LeadSpot empowers sales and marketing professionals to identify, activate, and convert prospective buyers at the optimal moment, thereby facilitating the achievement of growth objectives.