Frequently Asked Questions


By reaching your target audience w/ existing content, you’re not only increasing your brand awareness but also the ROI of the content itself.  Further, you’re attracting new leads while building an internal, opt-in database for your future efforts.

Our leads are around $50 each. Our clients typically see up to 22% conversions (to a qualified meeting) in the first 4-6 weeks with standard nurturing.  If Sales does their job the ROI is tremendous.

Most vendors host their clients’ content across a slew of content hub websites.  They then work to drive as much traffic to these sites in the hopes that more people will download their clients’ content.  LS believes in email first.  We promote the content directly to our clients’ ideal prospects via email promotion with a simple route from the email message to the asset itself.

Simply put, there is no better marketing strategy for successful ABM than content syndication.  Specific content, hyper-personalized across a carefully curated list of accounts, promoted tactically directly to your ideal prospects’ inboxes.  We love ABM campaigns.

LeadSpot is a vastly experienced content syndication shop.  We believe in carefully building campaigns with our clients and working together to achieve the conversions they need. Every time.