Are you finding it hard to get more than 50 people to your webinars? Many tech companies face this issue. Leadspot offers a full-service solution to make your webinars a consistent lead generation channel. We guarantee more webinar registrations.

Virtual events can bring a big return on investment. They track things like registration, attendance, and how engaged people are. This leads to more lead generation and sales conversions1. Leads from these events are often more ready to buy than those from other sources1.

But the majority of tech marketing pros that we’re meeting with are struggling to figure out how to drive more live attendees to these expensive-to-produce events.

Our method turns your webinar into a big hit, like a Taylor Swift concert. We use data from virtual events to make your content marketing better. We track how your attendees act, how much they engage, and what they like1. Get ready for tips that will boost your webinar attendance, from our direct experiences.

The Webinar Attendance Challenge

We know how tough it is to work hard on a webinar and then see few people show up. This is a big issue, with 83% of webinars having less than 50 people there3. This low number can really hurt how well your webinars work to get new leads, making you wonder what you’re doing wrong.

Staggering Statistics: 83% of Webinars Have Fewer Than 50 Attendees

The numbers show that most webinars don’t get a big crowd. Even though 83% of marketers think webinars work well, only 41% have hosted or joined one3. This shows there’s a lot of potential in webinars that we’re not using. We need better ways to get more people to turn up.

The Impact of Low Turnout on Webinar Effectiveness

When not many people come to a webinar, it hurts your marketing goals. You miss chances to get legitimate, engaged leads, be seen as thought-leaders, and connect with your audience. Plus, a small crowd can make your presenters feel less excited, making the event less impactful for those who do show up.

We need to tackle the issue of getting more people to attend webinars. By using strategies that work, we can beat the problem of low turnout. This way, we can make our clients’ webinars better at helping their pipelines grow and generate new revenue.

Crafting Compelling Webinar Titles and Descriptions

Creating a catchy title and description for your webinar is key to getting people to attend. By making your titles and descriptions more engaging, you can present your webinar as a must-see event for your audience.

Addressing Pain Points and Promising Solutions

To grab attention, start by pinpointing the main issues your audience faces. Here’s how:

This approach makes your webinar sound valuable and timely, pushing people to sign up.

Incorporating Relevant Keywords for SEO

Adding the right keywords to your webinar title and description also helps more people find it. Here’s what to do:

  1. Figure out the main topics of your webinar
  2. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to find relevant keywords
  3. Blend these keywords into your title and description smoothly

Optimizing your webinar for search engines can draw in more viewers and boost your marketing success. Virtual events can cut costs significantly, like venue rental and travel expenses1. Plus, they provide valuable data for improving your marketing, like how many people registered, attended, and engaged with your content1.

Targeted Email Promotion Strategies

Targeted email promotion can greatly increase webinar attendance. With 57% of webinar sign-ups coming from emails5, a strong role-based email strategy is important. We segment our clients’ audiences by role, interests, and past actions. This way, we send personalized invites that hit the mark with each person.

Segmenting Your Audience for Personalized Invitations

Old-school emails don’t cut it anymore. We need to speak directly to our clients’ audiences’ unique needs and challenges. By sorting our email list by job title, industry, and past webinar attendance, we can make our messages hit home. We address their specific problems and offer solutions they can use.

Crafting Engaging Email Content and Subject Lines

A successful email invitation is all about the content. We must give enough info to grab their interest but keep it simple to avoid undue friction. Catchy subject lines are crucial. They should show the value of attending our webinar. Using strong action words and showing clear benefits can get people to sign up.

Optimizing Email Timing and Frequency

Email timing is crucial. Before the pandemic, Wednesdays were best for webinars. Now, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays work best5. We study our audience’s habits and try different times to get the best results. Finding the right email frequency is also important. We want to keep our webinar in their minds without flooding their inboxes.

With these targeted email strategies, we can effectively reach our clients’ audiences. We can build excitement for their webinars and boost attendance. Since 83% of marketers see webinars as a powerful tool6, it’s time to use personalized, role-based email marketing. We guarantee that your webinar success will grow.

Leveraging the Power of Live Phone Calls

Live phone calls are still very powerful. They consistently help us get more people to attend webinars. By talking directly with potential attendees, we show we care about their success and value their time.

Live phone calls help us connect deeply with our clients’ audiences. We can talk about their problems, answer their questions, and show them why our webinar is important. This makes people trust us more and get excited about the event, leading to more sign-ups and attendees.

Also, live calls let us learn what our audience needs and likes. By listening and talking with them, we can make our clients’ webinars more relevant. This makes the experience better for attendees and makes them more likely to support our clients’ brands.

Emails and social media are good, but nothing beats a personal call. By making time for these calls, we show we really care about our audience’s success. This makes us seem like trusted partners in their journey.

When we talk to potential attendees, we should be kind, real, and focused on solutions. By showing how our webinar can help them, we give them a strong reason to come.

Webinars often have trouble getting a lot of people to watch, with 68% of companies finding coaching and mentoring very effective but only 27% using it widely7. Live phone calls can be a key solution. They add a personal touch to outreach and work well with webinar technology. This combination can lead to powerful learning experiences that get people to attend and see real results.

83% of Webinars Have Fewer Than 50 Live Attendees, Our Process Solves This

A study in B2B tech showed that 83% of webinars had less than 50 attendees8. This shows a big problem with low turnout. We need a strong, data-driven way to increase webinar attendance and make these events more effective.

A Proven, Data-Driven Approach to Boosting Webinar Attendance

We’ve created a detailed process to tackle low webinar attendance. We use targeted promotion, engaging content, and personalized outreach to boost live attendees. Our method is based on data and best practices, making sure every webinar reaches its goals.

Webinars are key in the B2B buyer’s journey, with 47% of content used during the consideration phase9. So, we make sure our clients’ webinar titles, descriptions, and promotions speak to their audience and get them to attend live.

Engaging Attendees Before the Event

Getting people excited before a webinar is important to its success. With 83% of webinars having less than 50 attendees10, we need to make sure people are looking forward to it. By building excitement and offering special content, we can get more people to show up.

Creating Anticipation Through Social Media Teasers

Social media is great for making people talk about your webinar. By sharing sneak peeks, interesting facts, and cool graphics, we grab the attention of potential attendees. Since 91% of B2B professionals like webinars10, using social media can really help spread the word.

Here are some tips to make your social media teasers work:

Offering Exclusive Pre-Event Content and Resources

Another great way to get people excited is by sharing special content before the event. This could be surveys, funny memes, or videos with the speakers. Giving out valuable stuff early shows that the webinar will be worth their time. It also makes people more likely to actually attend.

Here are some tips for making pre-event content:

  1. Make sure the content fits the webinar’s theme
  2. Keep it short and easy to understand
  3. Use it to build excitement for what’s to come
  4. Think about making the content exclusive to get more leads

Using these strategies can really help get more people to your webinar. With 64% of B2B marketers hosting webinars last year10, it’s clear they’re a powerful way to connect with people. By building anticipation and offering special content, we can make your webinars stand out and have a bigger impact.

Optimizing Landing Pages and Registration Forms

We aim to increase webinar attendance by focusing on landing pages and registration forms. A great landing page can turn potential attendees into actual ones. We make sure our pages are easy to use on mobiles and have fewer form fields. This makes signing up easier and gets more people to join.

Designing User-Friendly, Mobile-Responsive Pages

With most people using mobiles first, our webinar pages must work well on all devices. We use simple, clear designs to help visitors sign up easily. By making the benefits of joining clear and using clear calls-to-action, we draw in more people.

Minimizing Form Fields to Reduce Friction

Long, complicated forms can stop people from signing up for webinars. We keep our forms short and only ask for the most important info. This makes it easier for people to join, which means more people do. In fact, using “how to’s” in our titles can get 36% more people to sign up11.

Incorporating Social Proof and Trust Signals

We add social proof and trust signals to our landing pages to make them more credible. This includes showing what past attendees said, the skills of our speakers, or how many people have already signed up. Social proof helps build trust and gets more people to join.

By making our landing pages and forms better, we make it easy and fun for people to join our clients’ webinars. With simple designs, fewer form fields, and social proof, we can get more people to attend and share our content with others.

Effective Reminder and Follow-Up Email Sequences

To get more people to your webinars, we use a strong reminder and follow-up email plan. Personalized emails get an 82% higher open rate than generic ones13, so they’re great for grabbing attention and boosting webinar attendance.

Make your reminder emails stand out with catchy subject lines. Remember, 64% of people decide to open or delete emails based on the subject lines13. Include the webinar title, benefits, and a sense of urgency to get more opens and clicks.

When sending reminders, think about the best days and times. Mondays and Tuesdays are top choices, with the highest open rates on Mondays and click-through rates on Tuesdays13. Aim to send emails between 9 am and 11 am or 1 pm and 2 pm for better results13.

To make your reminders even more effective, segment your audience and send targeted messages. Tailoring your reminders to specific groups makes them more relevant and impactful, helping to increase webinar attendance.

Don’t overlook the value of follow-up emails after your webinar. Send a thank-you note with links to the recording, slides, and more. This shows you value their time and encourages them to explore your content and brand more.

A strategic email plan can significantly improve webinar attendance and strengthen your connection with your audience. With marketing emails offering a big return of $36 for every $1 spent13, a well-thought-out email strategy is a wise choice for any business aiming to make the most of their webinars.

Boosting Attendance with Incentive-Based Promotions

We regularly increase webinar attendance and engage our clients’ audiences with thoughtful incentive-based promotions. Offering actually valuable incentives makes people feel the need to act fast and value what we’re offering. This encourages them to sign up and take part in our webinars.

Offering Early Bird Discounts and Limited-Time Offers

One good strategy is to give early bird discounts to those who sign up quickly. This makes people register fast and spreads the word about the event. Also, offering special deals like exclusive content or a prize can make people want to come.

A survey by Validity and Demand Metric showed that 93% of top companies respect people’s wishes to opt out by removing their emails. Only 66% of less successful companies do this14. By offering great deals and listening to what our subscribers want, we can increase attendance and engagement. Respecting our clients’ audience preferences builds better feelings about the brand.

Providing Exclusive Bonuses and Resources for Attendees

We can also give out special bonuses and resources to those who come to the webinar. These could be things like templates, checklists, e-books, or access to a private group online. This shows we care about our attendees’ success and are a reliable source in our field.

By offering high-quality, relevant resources, we can make your content better and give your attendees greater value.

Incentive-based promotions are a strong way to get more people to attend your webinars. By using early bird discounts, special deals, and exclusive bonuses, we can make our offer hard to resist. As we keep improving our incentives and content, we’ll build strong relationships with your audience.

Maximizing Reach with On-Demand Webinar Promotion

To make your webinars more impactful, think beyond the live event. By turning your live webinar into an on-demand version and promoting and sharing it on different platforms, you will keep getting leads and conversions even after the event ends.

Repurposing Live Webinar Content for Ongoing Lead Generation

Your webinar recording is an important asset for getting more leads. By sharing the on-demand version with those who missed the live event, you reach more people and offer valuable content. Here are ways to reuse your webinar content:

Using different content formats helps you reach people who like to learn in different ways. This not only makes your content last longer but also shows you empathize with your audience and respect their preferences.

Promoting the Recorded Version Across Multiple Channels

To get more people to watch your on-demand webinar, share it on many platforms. With 54% of marketers using three to four marketing channels and 23% using five, promoting across channels can really help your webinar get noticed and get more views.

Here are ways to promote your on-demand webinar:

  1. Email campaigns to both those who watched the live event and those who didn’t.
  2. Social media posts on LinkedIn, X, Facebook, Instagram, and Reddit.
  3. Paid ads on social media to reach new people and bring them to your webinar page.
  4. Blog posts and articles that highlight the benefits of watching your webinar.

Using content marketing can be cheaper than traditional marketing and bring in more leads, up to three times as many14. This way, you can effectively promote your on-demand webinar and get new leads.

The online learning market is growing fast, expected to hit nearly $50 billion by 202615. Promoting your on-demand webinars can bring big returns. By offering valuable, easy-to-access content that solves your audience’s problems, you can build trust with your customers and keep them coming back.


Boosting webinar attendance takes a strategic plan. We focus on making titles and descriptions that grab attention. Using targeted emails and engaging with attendees before the event also helps a lot. This approach has led to more people joining our webinars, sometimes several hundred16.

We’ve looked at how knowing your audience critical. Making landing pages and registration forms with less friction and clear CTAs also helps. Plus, sending reminders and following up will really make a difference. Offering special deals like early discounts can make prospects want to join more.

Also, sharing your webinars online can help you reach more people. This way, your content keeps working for you even after the event. With the right steps and a focus on optimization, your webinars can be great at bringing in new leads for your business.


How can we increase webinar attendance and solve the low turnout problem?

Our data-driven process has helped many clients boost their webinar attendance. By using targeted strategies and best practices, we help businesses make their webinars more impactful. This leads to more high-quality leads.

What percentage of webinars have fewer than 50 live attendees?

About 83% of webinars have less than 50 live attendees. This low number can make webinars less effective for generating quality leads.

How can we craft compelling webinar titles and descriptions?

A great webinar title mixes intrigue with useful information. It should include relevant keywords, be the right length, and offer solutions to attendees’ problems.

What role do targeted email promotion strategies play in increasing webinar attendance?

Personalized invites with catchy subject lines and clear calls-to-action can improve attendance. Use past data to segment your list and send targeted emails that speak to each group.

How can live phone calls improve webinar attendance?

Direct calls help you connect with your audience, answer questions, and highlight the webinar’s value. This effort can greatly increase registration and attendance.

What strategies can we use to engage attendees before the webinar event?

Start by thanking those who registered and building excitement. Share valuable insights and resources in emails. Use social media for teasers and interesting facts about your webinar topic.

How can we optimize landing pages and registration forms to increase conversions?

Make the registration easy and quick for visitors. Aim for a few clicks to complete registration. Only ask for necessary details and add social proof to increase sign-ups.

What role do reminder and follow-up email sequences play in improving webinar attendance?

Use a full-scale reminder system across email, social media, and SMS. Automate your emails and combine them with SMS integrations to reach your audience fully.

How can incentive-based promotions boost webinar attendance?

Offering extra value can make people more likely to attend your webinar. Provide exclusive content or discounts on products or services for attendees.

How can we maximize reach with on-demand webinar promotion?

Turn your live webinar into a lead generation tool by promoting the on-demand version on various channels. This keeps your webinar’s value alive and attracts new leads and conversions.