Savvy marketers are constantly searching for innovative ways to improve their brand’s presence and engage their target audience better. While strategies like influencer partnerships, social media marketing, and paid advertising can be effective, there’s a powerful asset that many companies overlook: their employees. Employee-generated content (EGC) has the potential to rescue your content marketing strategy, offering a rare blend of authenticity, trust, and cost-effectiveness.

Employee-generated content refers to any form of content, such as blog posts, social media updates, videos, or testimonials, created by your employees. This organic content humanizes your brand, cuts through the noise of AI-generated content, and resonates with your audience on a deeper level. By leveraging the power of EGC, you can tap into the passion and expertise of your workforce, showcasing the human side of your company and building more authentic connections with your audience.

The impact of employee-generated content is undeniable. Studies show that EGC is shared 24 times more than branded content, and employee profiles receive eight times more engagement. Moreover, employees typically have a network ten times larger than their company’s follower base, allowing your message to reach a wider audience. By empowering your employees to become brand advocates, you can improve brand trust, increase audience engagement, and drive more sales.

Key Takeaways:

Understanding the Power of Employee Advocacy

Employee advocacy is a powerful tool for tech orgs to amplify their brand message and reach new audiences. By tapping into the social networks of their employees, companies can leverage the trust and credibility that individuals have with their followers. This authentic form of brand advocacy can’t be replicated with firm-generated content alone.

What Is Employee Advocacy?

Employee advocacy is a strategy that encourages employees to promote their company’s brand, products, or services on their social media and other digital platforms. This can include sharing company updates, industry insights, or personal experiences related to their work. The key to effective employee advocacy is authenticity – when employees genuinely believe in and support their company’s products/solutions and mission, their advocacy efforts come across as more sincere and trustworthy.

An employee advocacy program provides structure and guidance to help employees become effective brand advocates. This may include training on social media best practices, access to pre-approved content and visuals, and recognition or rewards for successful efforts. By empowering employees to share their expertise and experiences, companies can tap into a valuable source of authentic, user-generated content that resonates with their target audience.

Benefits of Employee-Generated Content

The benefits of EGC are numerous and far-reaching. When employees share authentic, engaging content about their company on social media, it can:

The impact of employee advocacy can be significant, as demonstrated by the success of companies like Boostability. Through their employee advocacy program, Boostability has achieved:

By aligning employee social media updates with brand values and business goals, companies can harness the authentic voices of their workforce to create a compelling narrative that resonates with their target audience.

As the data shows, employee advocacy is a cost-effective and impactful way to enhance brand health metrics, shorten sales cycles, and attract top talent. With 98% of employees already active on social media, and 89% of consumers trusting recommendations from people they know over branded content, the potential for employee-generated content to drive business success is clear.

Authenticity: The Key to Effective Employee-Generated Content

Buyers are bombarded with countless marketing messages, making it increasingly challenging for brands to cut through the noise and capture their audience’s attention. However, one strategy that we’ve seen work consistently is employee-generated content. By leveraging the authentic voices of their employees, tech brands can create brand authenticity and encourage genuine connections with their target audience.

EGC carries a unique level of credibility and trustworthiness that traditional advertising often lacks. When employees share their experiences, insights, and passion for their company’s products or services, it resonates with consumers on a deeper level. This authentic messaging not only humanizes the brand but also helps build trust and loyalty among potential customers.

Genuine Passion and Belief in Products or Services

One of the main ingredients in effective EGC is genuine passion. When employees truly believe in the value and quality of their company’s offerings, it shines through in their content. Their enthusiasm and firsthand knowledge create a contagious narrative that engages and persuades audiences.

According to the Edelman Trust Barometer, 63% of 18-34 year olds trust what influencers say about brands more than the brands themselves.

This statistic highlights the importance of leveraging employee advocates who can authentically share their experiences and recommendations. By empowering employees to create content that showcases their genuine passion, brands can tap into the power of word-of-mouth and build a loyal audience.

Benefit Description
Increased Authenticity Employee-generated content provides an authentic perspective that resonates with audiences.
Amplified Reach Employees’ personal networks can significantly expand the reach of brand messaging.
Talent Attraction Showcasing a positive work culture through employee content attracts top talent.
Driving Sales Authentic employee recommendations can influence purchasing decisions and drive sales.

To maximize the impact of employee-generated content, brands should provide clear guidelines and support for their advocates. This includes offering training on effective content creation, highlighting key messaging points, and ensuring that employees understand the boundaries of what is appropriate to share externally.

By nurturing a culture of employee advocacy and empowering staff to share their genuine passion, companies can see the numerous benefits of authentic messaging. This approach not only enhances brand authenticity but also fosters a sense of pride and engagement among employees, creating a win-win situation for both the brand and its workforce.

Cost-Effective Marketing Strategy

Employee advocacy is a cost-effective marketing approach that leverages the power of your existing workforce. Rather than allocating significant portions of your marketing budget to influencer partnerships or ad campaigns, you can tap into the potential of your employees who are already on your payroll. By nurturing and empowering your staff to become brand advocates, you can achieve impressive results without breaking the bank.

Building Trust and Credibility with Your Target Audience

Building trust and credibility with your audience is incredibly important. Employee-generated content plays a crucial role in achieving this goal, as it taps into the power of authentic, relatable voices within your organization. By leveraging the trustworthiness and expanded reach of your employees, you can effectively connect with new audiences and markets, ultimately driving new revenue and growth for your brand.

Employees as Trustworthy Sources

One of the main reasons employee-generated content is so effective in building trust and credibility is that people inherently trust other people more than they trust brands. The Edelman Trust Barometer, a well-respected global survey, consistently shows that employees are viewed as more credible sources of information than CEOs. Consider these compelling statistics:

By empowering your employees to create and share content, you tap into this powerful trust dynamic, creating a sense of authenticity and relatability that resonates with your ICP.

Expanding Brand Reach Through Employee Networks

Another significant benefit of employee-generated content is its ability to expand your brand’s reach through your employees’ social networks, both online and offline. When your employees share content about your brand with their personal networks, they expose your message to new audiences and potential markets that may have been previously untapped. This organic expansion of reach is particularly valuable today, where social media plays a crucial role in building brand awareness and driving engagement.

Consider the following data points that underscore the importance of leveraging employee networks:

Platform Best Practices Benefits
LinkedIn Post 1-3 times a week for best results Ideal for B2B brands, particularly accounting firms
TikTok 34% of Gen Z use TikTok for learning personal finance Reaches a younger demographic (44.1% of users aged 20-39)
Instagram Ensure high-quality, consistent posts Visually engaging platform for showcasing company culture and employee stories

By encouraging your employees to share brand-related content on these platforms, you can effectively tap into their networks, expanding your brand’s visibility and attracting new audiences.

Ultimately, by leveraging the trustworthiness and expanded reach of your employees through EGC, you can build stronger connections with your audience, encourage brand loyalty, and fill the pipe!!

Improving Employee Engagement and Job Satisfaction

Employee advocacy not only benefits your brand’s external reputation but also enhances your workplace brand. When potential hires see satisfied employees enthusiastically promoting their workplace, it serves as a powerful recruitment tool. By encouraging employee engagement, tech orgs can create a positive cycle that attracts top talent and retains valuable team members.

Gallup research highlights the significant impact of employee engagement on key performance indicators. Engaged employees demonstrate higher well-being, better retention rates, lower absenteeism, and greater productivity. However, Gallup’s findings suggest that employee satisfaction and engagement levels in the workplace were lower in 2023 compared to previous years, emphasizing the need for targeted efforts to boost motivation and create a supportive work environment.

Google’s Project Aristotle underscores the importance of psychological safety as the most critical factor for high-performing teams. This is particularly noteworthy after periods of layoffs when trust and transparency are essential for rebuilding team cohesion. Leaders are encouraged to ask difficult questions and foster open communication, especially in post-layoff scenarios.

“The way your employees feel is the way your customers will feel. And if your employees don’t feel valued, neither will your customers.” – Sybil F. Stershic, Taking Care of the People Who Matter Most: A Guide to Employee-Customer Care

Employee recognition and appreciation play a vital role in rebuilding trust after layoffs, doubling down on a sense of belonging and purpose. High-performing teams benefit from clear expectations and a mutual understanding of goals, which is even more crucial after layoffs to align efforts and priorities effectively. 

Factor Impact on Employee Engagement
Psychological Safety Fosters trust and open communication, crucial for rebuilding team cohesion post-layoffs
Employee Recognition Enhances sense of belonging and purpose, contributing to rebuilding trust
Clear Expectations and Goals Aligns efforts and priorities effectively, particularly important after layoffs

By prioritizing employee engagement, companies not only strengthen their workplace brand but also create a supportive environment that fosters productivity, motivation, and success. Investing in employee advocacy initiatives and leveraging insights from research and innovative tools can help organizations navigate challenges and emerge stronger, with a dedicated and engaged workforce.

How to Encourage Employee Brand Advocacy

Encouraging employee brand advocacy involves creating an environment where employees feel motivated and empowered to share their positive experiences with your company. By fostering a supportive and engaging workplace culture, you can unlock the potential of your greatest asset—your employees. Here are some effective ways to encourage employee brand advocacy:

Creating a Positive Work Culture

The foundation of employee brand advocacy lies in creating a positive work culture. When employees feel valued, respected, and aligned with the company’s mission and values, they are more likely to become passionate advocates for your brand. Cultivate a workplace that prioritizes open communication, collaboration, and recognition of employee contributions. Regularly seek feedback and address concerns to maintain a supportive and inclusive environment.

Educating and Training Employees

To effectively advocate for your brand, employees need to be well-informed about your company’s products, services, and core values. Invest in comprehensive training programs that educate employees about your brand’s messaging, unique selling points, and target audience. Provide resources such as brand guidelines, social media best practices, and storytelling techniques to help employees craft compelling and authentic content.

Encouraging Employee-Generated Content

Empower your employees to create and share their own content related to their experiences with your company. Encourage them to share stories, insights, and success stories that showcase your brand’s impact and values. Provide platforms and tools that make it easy for employees to create and distribute content, such as blogs, social media channels, or Slack channels. Celebrate and amplify employee-generated content to reinforce its value and inspire others to participate.

Strategy Impact
Rewarding employee advocates Increases motivation and participation in advocacy programs
Utilizing partnership channels with exclusive-use codes Allows for easily trackable metrics to measure success
Combining advocacy, influencer marketing, partnership channels, and advertising Results in consistent new revenue for a brand

Leading by Example

Leadership plays a big role in optimizing employee brand advocacy. Encourage your leadership team to lead by example and become active advocates themselves. When employees see their managers and executives actively sharing company content, engaging with stakeholders, and echoing the brand’s values, they are more likely to follow suit. Provide training and support to help leaders become effective brand ambassadors and inspire their teams to do the same.

Recognizing and Rewarding Employee Advocates

Recognizing and rewarding employees who actively participate in brand advocacy is essential to sustaining momentum and engagement. Implement programs that celebrate and incentivize employee advocacy efforts, such as:

According to Edelman’s 2023 Trust Barometer, 46% of employees aged 42 and younger share news coverage about their employer on social media weekly, while 44% share content they created about their employer on social media weekly.

By recognizing and rewarding employee advocates, you not only show appreciation for their efforts but also encourage others to get involved and contribute to your brand’s success.

Tools and Resources for Employee-Generated Content

To maximize the impact of employee-generated content, you’ve got to provide your team with the right tools and resources. By equipping your employees with easy-to-use platforms and ready-to-share content, you can streamline the process of creating and distributing authentic, engaging material that resonates with your audience.

Platforms for Supporting Employee Advocacy Efforts

Several dedicated employee advocacy platforms are available to help organizations support their team’s content creation and sharing efforts. These tools simplify the process of generating and distributing content, making it easy for employees to participate in advocacy initiatives. Some popular platforms include:

In addition to these specialized tools, LinkedIn offers native analytics that provide valuable insights into employee engagement with brand-related posts. By monitoring these metrics, you can gauge the effectiveness of your employee advocacy program and identify areas for improvement.

Providing Ready-to-Share Content and Visuals

To encourage employee participation in content creation and sharing, it’s essential to provide them with a library of ready-to-share content and visuals. This can include:

By offering a diverse range of content types, you can cater to different preferences and sharing styles, making it more likely that employees will find material they feel comfortable sharing with their networks.

Empowering employees with the right tools and resources is important to the success of any employee advocacy program. By providing easy-to-use platforms and a library of ready-to-share content, organizations can unlock the full potential of their team’s authentic voices and expand their brand’s reach.

Platform Key Features
GaggleAmp Gamification, content curation, analytics
Hootsuite Amplify Content discovery, scheduling, performance tracking
Haiilo Personalized content feeds, leaderboards, rewards
Post Beyond Content categorization, user permissions, mobile app

Employee-generated content, the best content is right beneath your nose

Tech orgs often struggle to fill content gaps across multiple platforms. However, the solution to this challenge may be closer than you think. EGC is an option that can help businesses find the untapped storytellers within their workforce, creating unique, quality content that showcases their brand as an industry leader.

By encouraging employees to participate in content creation, companies can not only fill content gaps but also showcase the human side of their business. Employees are more than just workers; they are your best advocates and storytellers. Their unique perspectives, experiences, and insights can bring a level of authenticity and relatability to your content that is difficult to achieve through firm-generated options.

Companies should provide clear expectations and a framework for employee involvement. By setting guidelines and offering support, marketing executives can guarantee that the content produced by their employees aligns with their brand’s voice and values.

Furthermore, providing employees with the necessary tools, support, and training can enhance their content creation skills. Companies such as Sweet Fish and CMI share writing tips and best practices to help less-experienced contributors succeed in content creation. By offering tutorials, guides, and training sessions, businesses can empower their employees to become confident and effective content creators.

By shifting the storytelling focus from brand-centered content to the personal experiences of the workforce, companies can create more relatable and engaging content. This approach not only humanizes the brand but also builds trust and credibility with the target audience. As the Edelman Trust Barometer highlights, employees are considered more credible than CEOs, making their voices invaluable in building brand trust.

Ultimately, employee-generated content is a cost-effective marketing strategy that can significantly expand a brand’s reach through the social networks of its employees. By tapping into the untapped storytellers within their workforce, companies can create quality content that positions them as industry leaders while showcasing the human side of their business.

Measuring the Success of Your Employee Advocacy Program

To ensure the effectiveness of your employee advocacy program, it’s crucial to track and analyze key performance indicators regularly. By monitoring these metrics, you can gain valuable insights into the impact of your employee-generated content and make data-driven decisions to optimize your strategy.

KPIs to Track

Several KPIs can help you measure the success of your employee advocacy efforts:

Posts shared by employees have a staggering 8X more engagement compared to the same posts shared by official brand accounts – Social Media Today

In addition to these KPIs, it’s important to monitor employee adoption rates to understand the level of engagement within your organization. A high adoption rate indicates that your employees are actively participating in the advocacy program and believe in its value.

Metric Significance
Share rate Directly linked to the visibility of employee advocacy marketing efforts
Potential reach Indicates the number of people in the target audience who could potentially see the content
Earned media value Reveals the financial impact and effectiveness of the employee advocacy program

Monitoring Sentiment Analysis

In addition to tracking quantitative metrics, monitor sentiment analysis to make sure that employee advocacy positively impacts your brand reputation. By analyzing the tone and context of social media conversations surrounding your brand, you can identify any potential issues and address them quickly.

Sentiment analysis tools can help you track mentions of your brand and categorize them as positive, negative, or neutral. This information can provide valuable insights into how your target audience perceives your brand and help you make informed decisions to improve your employee advocacy strategy.

By closely monitoring KPIs and sentiment analysis, you can continuously refine your employee advocacy program, identify top performers, and maximize the impact of your employee-generated content on your brand’s success.


Employees are undeniably your company’s most valuable asset when it comes to building a strong brand presence. By harnessing their genuine passion, unique insights, and trustworthiness, you can significantly increase your brand’s visibility and credibility in the market. Implementing an employee advocacy program is a strategic move that can unlock the full potential of your workforce and transform them into brand advocates.

To successfully encourage employee-generated content, it’s helpful to create a positive work culture that fosters creativity and rewards participation. Gamification techniques can be employed to make the process more engaging and enjoyable for employees. Additionally, providing them with the necessary tools, resources, and training will empower them to share compelling stories and showcase their creative ideas effectively.

Measuring the success of your employee advocacy program is necessary to gauge its effectiveness and identify areas for improvement. By tracking KPIs and monitoring sentiment analysis, you can gain valuable insights into the impact of employee-generated content on your brand’s reputation and reach. Remember, your employees’ authentic voices and genuine enthusiasm are the keys to building a strong, relatable brand that resonates with your target audience. So, incentivize your employees to create and watch the pipeline swell!


What is employee-generated content (EGC)?

Employee-generated content refers to any form of content, such as social media posts, blog articles, testimonials, or videos, created by a company’s employees to promote the brand, its products, or its services. EGC leverages the authenticity and credibility of employees to engage audiences and build brand trust.

How can employee-generated content benefit my brand?

Employee-generated content can help humanize your brand, cut through the noise of AI-generated content, and encourage a deeper connection with your audience. By showcasing the genuine passion and belief of your employees in your products or services, EGC can significantly maximize your brand’s visibility and credibility.

What is an employee advocacy program?

An employee advocacy program is a structured initiative that encourages and supports employees in promoting their company’s brand, products, or services on social media and other channels. The program aims to align employee-generated content with the company’s brand values and business goals.

Why is authenticity crucial in employee-generated content?

Authenticity is so important to effective employee-generated content because consumers are more likely to trust recommendations and endorsements from real people rather than traditional advertising. When employees share their genuine passion and belief in their company’s offerings, their messages resonate more strongly with the target audience.

Is employee-generated content a cost-effective marketing strategy?

Yes, employee-generated content can be a cost-effective marketing strategy. Since your employees are already on your payroll, you can leverage their advocacy without incurring additional expenses on influencer partnerships or ad campaigns.

How can employee-generated content help build trust and credibility with my target audience?

According to the Edelman Trust Barometer, employees are considered more trustworthy than CEOs. By tapping into the credibility of your employees and their personal networks, you can expand your brand’s reach and build trust with new audiences and markets.

Can employee-generated content improve employee engagement and job satisfaction?

Yes, employee-generated content can boost employee engagement and job satisfaction. When employees feel valued and proud of their company, they are more likely to be motivated, productive, and actively involved in promoting the brand. This, in turn, can enhance your workplace brand and attract top talent.

How can I encourage my employees to become brand advocates?

To encourage employee brand advocacy, create a positive work culture, provide training and resources, encourage employee-generated content creation, lead by example, and recognize and reward active employee advocates. 

Are there any tools or platforms that can support employee advocacy efforts?

Yes, several platforms, such as GaggleAmp, Hootsuite Amplify, Haiilo, and Post Beyond, are available to help support employee advocacy efforts. LinkedIn also offers native analytics that provide visibility into employee engagement on brand-related posts.

How can I measure the success of my employee advocacy program?

To gauge the effectiveness of your employee advocacy program, track KPIs like increased social media engagement, website traffic from employee-shared links, and the growth of your company’s social media following. Additionally, monitor sentiment analysis to see that employee advocacy is positively impacting your brand’s reputation.